InfoCOM LTD has been an official partner of the German company ABAS Business Software for several years.
Enterprise Resource Management
Abas Business Suite – high functionality, flexible, reliable and mobile ERP-solution for small and medium-sized business enterprises. According to Your requirements abas Business Suite gives the wide possibilities for optimization and automation of Your enterprise activity and for profitability growth of Your business. The system flexibility makes possible to improve the business processes as soon as possible, and the combination of knowledges and skills with a unique metodology of abas GIM adoption ensures the efficient use of the system.
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Information system integration
In conditions of continuous, dynamic growth of business the main mistake of many companies is underestimation of an problem of an integration and compatibility between IT-systems. All these problems are solved in a fastest way, which are in most cases are not connected with each other (point-to-point), which finally leads to the siatuation, when mainatanance or creation of connection between already existing IT-systems, or integration of new IT-systems and business-processes requiere a huge amout of human resources, time and budget.
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manufacturing execution system
How do MES systems differ from ERP-systems, and why are they placed on different levels of informational structure? ERP -systems are focused on planning of order fulfillment, i.e. answer the question: “When and how much products should be produced?”. MES-systems are focused on question “How are products produced in fact” and use more exact information about the business process. MES–system mediates between ERP-systems and automated control systems of technological processes.
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